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What You Need To Know

I have always learned best by doing, and to that end I have always been keen to try my hand at anything and everything...


One thing I hate is having to say 'I can't' or 'I don't know' so I endeavour every day to ensure i am bettering myself and absorbing knowledge to ensure that I know more today than I did yesterday but less than I will ultimately know tomorrow.


DIY has always been something I have been reticent to engage contractors for, and wherever possible, throughout my life, I have tried my hand at any and all household varying degrees of success...


I guess this is where my inherent creativity and desire to work with my hands has laid dormant until now...

My Story: About


The unexpected beginning...

Woodworking was not something I had dreamed of doing all my life, and making mallets is something I had never even considered until June 2020.


I was part of a woodworking after school club when I was 7, and when I was 9 me and my dad made a dagger board from scratch for my Optimist Dinghy. Even at that young age, every winter I would strip that boat down, sand it inside and out and then refinish it and prep it ready for the new season...a habit i carried through my entire sailing career, even to this day!


In secondary school, if given the choice, I would always go for a woodworking project in DT, but when we got introduced to electronics I took a shining to that and from the age of 16 I barely touched any form of woodworking at all.


I have always considered myself a ‘creative’ though, and with my day job being more practical and quantitative, I needed to find myself a creative outlet before I lost my mind.


It started with a house renovation, grew to building a new ‘man shed’ and then totally went mad when I decided to extend my 3 car garage and turn it in to a full blown workshop. 

I tried making mallets after seeing some woodworking videos on youtube and thought they could be a great way to make some extra money. The only problem is that they were garbage, like utter garbage, so I gave up making mallets entirely. And then one out of the blue interaction, someone asking if I would make them a mallet similar to one I had made for myself, just as a bit of fun, led me down the path I currently find myself on today!!


I am always looking to push towards perfection and I thrive upon making the most unique hand tools money can buy. 


I now won’t rest until my mallets are considered the very best in the world!!


And I cannot wait to show you all the wonderful ideas I have and hopefully entice you to join the Hashtag family...


This is my journey, thank you for coming along for the ride...




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