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Writer's picturehashtagwoodworking

Raise your fucking prices...

Alright, listen up, motherfuckers...

I'm about to drop some truth bombs about raising prices during times of high inflation and interest rates...

First of all, let me explain why this shit is important...

When inflation is high, the value of your fucking money is decreasing. That means that you're not able to buy as much shit with the same amount of money. And when interest rates are high, borrowing money is more expensive, which can fucking hurt your bottom line if you're a business owner...

So, what's a smart motherfucker to do in this situation? Raise your goddamn prices, that's what...

By raising your prices, you can offset some of the costs associated with inflation and higher interest rates. Sure, your customers might bitch and moan about paying more, but guess what? Everyone else is dealing with the same bullshit, and they'll fucking understand.

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "But what about my loyal fucking customers? Won't they be pissed off if I raise my prices?" And to that, I say, tough shit. If you're running a business, your primary fucking goal is to make money, not to make everyone happy all the time. And if your customers really love your shit, they'll fucking stick around even if you raise your prices a bit.

Let me give you some real-time examples of why raising prices is key during times of high inflation and interest rates.

Look at the fucking restaurant industry, for instance. Many restaurants have had to raise their prices to cover the increased cost of food and labor. Sure, some people might complain about paying £20 for a burger instead of £15, but the fucking reality is that the restaurant needs to make money to stay in business.

Another example is the housing market. As interest rates have risen, home prices have gone up fucking significantly. But guess what? People are still buying houses because they need a place to fucking live, and they understand that the market is what it is.

In conclusion, if you're facing high inflation and interest rates and trying to navigate a cost of living crisis, don't be a fucking idiot and keep your prices the same. Raise your goddamn prices, and don't be afraid to tell your customers why.

They'll understand, and if they don't, they can go fuck themselves.

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